Life Updates
Friday Favorites! We know it’s been a little quiet here on the blog lately. We have taken these “off” weeks as a chance to get a ton of tasks in line. If you haven’t heard, we are selling our current home this year! We have officially started demoing our current house to update the bathrooms and finish off the basement this week. We also decided to adopt another little fur baby, get back into our health and exercise, and spend some quality time with friends and family! We consider our blog readers to be like family to us, so we want to let you know what exactly we’ve been up to and some things that have really been enhancing our lives lately!
I (Andie) have been having some skin and digestive issues lately. After making a trip to my amazing esthetician, Jessica at
The Esthetic Boutique in La Plata, she told me that I should try the Whole 30 diet. Essentially, you eat whole foods only and eliminate dairy, grains, sugars, legumes, etc. Basically, you eat meat, fruit, and veggies and drink as much water as possible. We are only a little over half way through the diet and my body has made a complete 180. This might be a little TMI, but I have never had a regular digestive/bathroom schedule in my whole life. I would go days, borderline weeks, without going to the bathroom. This problem is gone. I’m regular! I never thought I would be so happy about going to the bathroom in my life haha. But along with that and getting back into our exercise routine of working out at least 5 times a week, I have never felt better in my life.
One of my bridesmaids and best friend, Shelby, gifted me this book a year ago and I never cracked it open because I will still super in love with my Chick-fil-a and other not-so-healthy habits. I have started to read it and it is amazing! If you are into holistic and healthy eating, you should totally grab it too! It’s called “Eat Pretty” and you can find it
here on Amazon (you know I love my Amazon).

A while ago, I cracked my IPhone’s camera lens cover. This was devastating and irritating to me because my phone was perfect but I could never use it to snap quick pictures in the rare occasion that I didn’t have my actual camera on me. Then, last week, my phone decided that it was no longer going to hold charge and would die within 2 hours of being off of it’s charger. I ALSO could only hold conversations on the phone if it was in speaker mode. So, I finally stopped being so stubborn and traded it in for the new IPhone 7 Plus. Personally, I loved how small my 6S was, but I was very interested in this new dual lens camera phone that only the 7Plus provided. I’m not super impressed with the portrait mode that they raved about, but I do think it is a step in the right direction to give people some neat photos that you can quickly grab for your social media posts! Of course, I had to get it in the rose gold because – pink.

Pairing this with the Apple Watch Series 2 makes wedding days a BREEZE! I love that we can keep our entire wedding timeline on our watches so that we no longer have to carry around a piece of paper with a timeline on it. It looks better, feels better, and we can work better! Win, win, win.

I’m going to end this post with our newest addition to the family, little Vincent Van Gough. Vincent is six years old, has one brown eye, one blue eye, three legs, and weighs a whopping four pounds. We adopted him from the animal rescue shelter down the road exactly a week ago. He’s completely stolen our hearts and we can’t wait to feed him all the goodies to put some weight on his bony body and get him groomed! That face! DaVinci is slowly starting to warm up to him, they even cuddle sometimes which is ADORABLE. I can’t wait for them to become best friends because you know I’ve been dying to get a cute portrait of the two of them next to each other.