The Ingagliatos
If you haven’t been following along on our social media accounts, then you’ve missed out on some big news! Tony and I are PREGNANT!! There have been a lot of questions and so we thought it would be best to answer them all here, in hopes that maybe another expecting momma might have some questions that she would like answered for her first trimester.

Q: When am I due?
A: Early March, 2021!

Q: How did I find out?
A: Tony and I had been trying to get pregnant since the beginning of the year, so I was looking out for this! Each month, if my period was a day late, I would take a test. Each month, it was negative. The month of July was a different story! I woke up early on a Saturday morning because I had to finish prepping for a wedding that we were photographing that day (Amanda & Matt’s to be exact!).
The first thing I did when I woke up was go to the bathroom and take the test. I went to make my coffee and came back to a POSITIVE! I was so shocked and Tony was still asleep! So I decided to take two more just to be sure. I was so shocked that I ran to my mom’s and asked her if she thought it was possible to get a false positive. I was just so excited and I didn’t want to be let down if I wasn’t actually pregnant again. But she reassured me that it’s pretty impossible to get a false positive, unlike a false negative. So I ran upstairs and told Tony! I used to have all of these ideas on how I was going to tell him the day that I found out I was pregnant, but all of that went out the window because I just couldn’t contain myself. I don’t know how I would have ever kept that a secret to surprise him in another way!

Q: What is the first symptom you noticed?
A: Honestly, I didn’t have any symptoms! My pregnancy has been such a blessing. I have had no morning sickness, no nausea, no nothing. Around 7 weeks, I started to experience extreme exhaustion, but that was about it! Once my second trimester mark hit, that all went away and honestly, I sometimes forget that I’m even pregnant because life is just super normal minus the tiny bump I’m sporting now, which I LOVE!

Q: Are you going to find out the gender? Will you be doing a gender reveal?
A: We are finding out the the gender TODAY actually! We won’t be sharing with the world until after our 20-week ultrasound, just to have a second reading to confirm the first blood test, but I’m so excited to finally give this little baby an identity. Calling the baby “it” has been really hard and I want to start dreaming of what he or she will be like, which is kind of impossible to do when you can’t even imagine what they mind LOOK like.

Q: Are you exercising like normal?
A: Yes! I have not stopped or changed anything with my exercise routine. Tony and I still do our weight training 3 times a week and now I have started to implement prenatal yoga to help condition my body for when I go into labor. Also, Peloton just started a Barre series and I’m so excited to add that into my routine!

Q: How has pregnancy during COVID been?
A: Okay this is the only part where I’m going to be negative, because being pregnant for the first time during COVID has been awful. I HATE that Tony has not been able to come to my doctor’s appointments with me. I HATE that he can’t experience his baby’s ultrasounds, see and hear the heartbeat for the first time with me, ask questions and just experience this whole process. The doctors have been sweet in allowing me to video the ultrasounds so that Tony can watch them when I get home, but it’s just not the same. I cry at every appointment because he’s not with me.

Now that I’m done complaining and being dramatic and I have distracted you with the cutest picture of the doggies in the nursery, let’s talk about my Must Haves for the first trimester!
- A Pregnancy Pillow: Honestly, I WILL continue to sleep with this after the baby is born because I’m a HUGE cuddler and unfortunately, my body heat is a like a furnace so it makes it impossible for Tony to be the one I cuddle with. This pillow is a great second option if I can’t cuddle him haha!
- Nesting Prenatal Vitamins: This prenatal vitamin is from HONU sold through The Grove Collaborative, the same place I get most of my all-natural and earth friendly toiletries and cleaning goods. It has all of the things you would want in a prenatal vitamin, minus the stuff you don’t want!
- Burts Bees Belly Butter: Although I do not usually experience stretch marks (I have one on my whole body despite my ups and downs in weight loss), I still want to make sure that I am nourishing my skin while it stretches to accommodate this bump! This one got TONS of great reviews, and I love that it is a clean product, contains no phthalates, parabens, petrolatum, or SLS, and it won’t irritate your skin.
- My Childhood History Journal by Promptly: I bought this book over two years ago when my best friend was pregnant with her first baby! I loved the idea so much and I was afraid that if I waited to buy it for myself when I got pregnant one day, that maybe the small company may longer be printing them. So I bought it back then and I have LOVED filling out each trimester! The book keeps a record of your baby’s entire childhood, each year asking different questions about your child’s life until they are 18. It’s simple, nothing crazy, but a great way for me to journal throughout my child’s life. It even has spaces for pictures!
- Books I’ve Read: Okay, this one is going to be more focused on momma’s who want to go the natural way for child birth! I also purchased “What To Expect When You’re Expecting”, but got MUCH LESS out of that book than these books.
⁃ Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth
⁃ Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way
⁃ Real Food for Pregnancy: The Science and Wisdom of Optimal Prenatal Nutrition
Stay tuned in a couple months for our second trimester update! Let me know if you have any questions that I didn’t answer here and be sure to follow along on my personal Instagram!