giving back

Giving you the opportunity to support programs and ministries that promote excellence in education, spiritual growth and primary health care of Haitians in need with the heirlooms and artwork on your walls.

20% of all online gallery sales from your wedding or portrait session is donated directly to our partners in Haiti.

why it matters

oban, Haiti

Oban is a beautiful community tucked in the mountains of Haiti. This is where Tony and I were baptized together by the village church leaders.

Because of your art purchase, sponsored students are able to help their community move toward a sustainable future and community graduation.

It means that future generations would be able to run successful businesses and make enough money to feed their families and send their children to school. With your help, it means they can now help their community lift themselves from poverty, restoring dignity, purpose and freedom.

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."

Winston Churchill


People Living


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Total Health

our mission

In 2014, Tony and I went to Haiti for the first time on a mission trip to offer helping hands in the village of Oban. 

Hurricane Matthew violently struck Haiti resulting in the country’s largest humanitarian emergency since the 2010 earthquake. It caused extensive flooding and mudslides, damage to road infrastructure and buildings, as well as electricity and water shortages.

our story

Schools & Economic Development

The southern peninsula is one of the primary agricultural producing regions in Haiti. Many of the farms in the South were washed away by the rising tides and the extreme flooding. In addition, thousands of animals – chickens, goats, pigs and cows – perished in the storm. Much of Haiti depends on the agricultural production from the South.

By restoring economics quickly and allowing people to sustain themselves without the need for an extended handout, we believe we can stem the tide of dependency on foreign aid.

All of the network schools are severely damaged and not functional. Community leaders recognize the need to keep children on track with their education and get them back into a routine.

The problem, however, is more than classrooms. Many families lost everything. That includes clothes, school uniforms, books, and supplies. Those families have no capacity to pay school fees because they lost their crops and livestock. Your donations will go towards the rebuild of schools and the economic development for the village.

"For it is in giving that we receive."

St. Francis of Assisi



Along with any purchases that you order in your personal, online gallery from your wedding or portrait session with us, you can also purchase from our Art Shop with prints from our mission trip to Haiti.

Giving you the opportunity to support programs and ministries that promote excellence in education, spiritual growth and primary health care of Haitians in need with the heirlooms and artwork on your walls.
